Friday, September 10, 2010

Hi, to all my friends and well wishers that want to know how to boost their academic opportunities:

I'm going to be speaking at Fame International School for Performing Arts next week, to let you guys know the inside scoop of how to get ahead in high school, use your teachers and guidance counselors to shape your college selections and enhance acceptance. Also, workshops will be available about Financial Aid and Scholarships, How to ACE the SAT, ACT entrance exams, Resources for Gifted and Alternative Education, and last but not least---College Admissions Director will speak on what it takes to be successful in a competitive environment. All of this information will be available to you and your families for a low price of $25.00. But wait, there's more, the first responders can get complimentary access by calling 804.640.5475 and asking about the Take Control of Your Education School Success Expo! Don't delay, this is an event you DO NOT WANT TO MISS! Call today!

Maria Warith
Founder of CHESS Foundation

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

when teenagers go to college... things can get a little "interesting"

Freshmen year at Mary Baldwin.
My freshmen year in college was one of the most interesting school years of my life. I met new people and made tons of new friends, some who I know will be there for a life time. I experienced a lot of high's and low's as would a traditional college student. I procrastinated on paper, i cried about dining hall food, I missed my ( at the time) boyfriend, and I met some of the best girls in the world - Marne' G. and Laurice P. In the end, I don't regret one moment of my freshmen year in college, skipping 3 years of high school... was probably the best decision I've ever made for me.

The girl behind the computer screen...

Maria Warith, a native of Richmond, Virginia, is a product of Henrico County Schools. She was born into a large mixed family being the twelfth of thirteen children January 13, 1994. While she has many sisters and a few brothers, Maria was determined not to be a pushover because she was the youngest child. Her parents noticed from the beginning she was strong, domineering and a stubborn force to be reckoned with as Maria enjoyed local celebrity status as a spokesmodel for her family car business.

Maria attended Holladay Elementary School, where she learned at a tender age how to win friends and influence people. She maintained outstanding academic performance and won her first political campaign as the student government treasurer by using strategy recognized only by seasoned politicians. When tragedy struck her family, she became estranged from both parents and her sisters and brothers. She was left with her younger brother and grandparents to finish elementary school at Longdale Elementary accepting the challenge of meeting new friends, adjusting to a new environment and leaving a mark of excellence, in spite of her inner struggles.

While the separation from her parents took its toll on Maria, she was relentlessly motivated to achieve excellence and faced a brief tenure at Wilder Middle School where she became active in the National Junior Honor Society, Track and Field, Classy. She reunited with her parents in the 7th grade and attended Chesapeake City Schools for a year at Deep Creek Middle School, where she became the President of National Junior Honor Society, tried her skills playing basketball and participated in AAU Track and Field. When the economy changed, her parents could no longer afford to live in Chesapeake and returned to Henrico County. Maria then prepared herself academically to attend the Varina High School Communications Center.

The Communications Center at Varina, was an excellent environment that motivated Maria to take herself to the next level of her chosen Career in Broadcast Communications. Maria set records in track and field and participated in community charity groups such as Key Club, Christian Athletes as well as Student Congress to ensure that the voices of her peers be heard and understood. She always managed to take her concerns to the key persons in charge when attempting to solve problems. While Maria enjoyed the level of exposure she was receiving at Varina, she decided that the program did not challenge her level of expectations and she applied to Mary Baldwin College’s Program for the Exceptionally Gifted. Upon acceptance, Maria realized that she had to give up something that she truly loved, Track and Field in order to take advantage of her full scholarship. She also faced with the difficult decision of skipping high school traditions and left behind yet another group of friends and extended family members to take charge of her life as a broadcast journalistToday, Maria attends Mary Baldwin College and maintains her stellar reputation as a scholar and community activist. She has completed her first internship for WRIC channel 8 and serves as and Ambassador for the College and Vice President of College Democrats. She is a supervisor at Kings Dominion and looks forward to being a Teacher’s Assistant in the fall at Mary Baldwin.

Maria steadily builds her professional repertoire by living the principle, “ I AM” As a child of promise, she recognizes “to whom much is given, much is required”. Maria recently founded and organized the CHESS (Children Entrepreneurs Securing Success) Foundation aimed at helping other youth discover their talents and putting them into action. The foundation will be launching a resource magazine featuring celebrities, children on the move in business and academic pursuits and networking opportunities to actualize their dreams.

it was bound to happen....

anyone who knows me well, ... knows im a "Drake Head" therefore this is dedicated to my favorite rapper. Aubrey Drake Graham :)

Quick Facts about Drake.
born in Toronto.
former Degrassi star - WheelChair Jimmy.
actor/ singer & rapper.
born October 24, 1986.
already a drake fan?
follow him on twitter @drakkardnoir


It's Maria :) commonly known on Twitter as Mdub94.
You are witnessing history as I begin my very 1st blog post...[ corny yea, i know]
My blog will be comprised of completely random stuff, and things I find interesting. Basically everything on the blog will be about real life-- weather expressed in picture, texts, or music... you'll just have to keep reading.